Multitext Unit

Multi-text Unit Final

Shared Readings: Modeling Comprehension, vocabulary,text structures, and text features.

I thought this article was very useful. I thought that shared reading was for younger children but, through this article I have learned that it is important through all grade levels. Modeling is important and as a teacher we should model for our students how to think about text. As children get older they shouldn’t forget to think , about what they read. As teachers, we shouldn’t model just by reading but everyday we have children watching us and copying what we do and say. We have to be good role models for our students this may be the fine line between changing a child’s life for the better and turning a child away.

It’s also important for teachers to read over texts before presenting them to the class. While reading, teachers should also go over the vocabulary. Instead of just giving the student the definition and moving on, I have learned that as a teacher I need to explain what the word means and how it is used.

Integrating Instructional-Level Social Studies Trade Books for Struggling Readers in Upper Elementary Grades

I thought this article was very interesting.  It refreshed my memory of what I have learned in past classes about  leveled text and low level readers. I think when teachers do have below grade level readers they do favor them more. It is our job as educators to find text that is appropriate for all students in our classroom. I don’t agree with Ms Green having Jon read a book that he struggled with. I could sense his embarresment while reading about him. I am not great in math and teachers have called on me before to answer a problem where I didn’t have the slightest clue where to begin. I could relate to Jon’s embarresment and insecurity. I think the list of books included this article will be very helpful to us in the future. I can imagine it is hard to find appropriate grade level and “good” books for students, atleast we’ve already got one subject down and atleast two others to go!



 Brown and tasty
         And smells good too.
       Rubbed and basted
By me and you.
                       Every bite moist and sweet
                                                 Quite possibly the world’s tastiest treat.
Unique in flavor
                           Everyone’s favorite to savor.

Aj and I were watching a really yummy show talking about good ole’ southern BBQ, so of course what was on my mind for this next poem? (1/31/2010)

Ordinary Poem

So Much Depends Upon
the sunlight
so that bright white
and yellow
daisies can sway in
the warm
flowing spring breeze.
– Allison Pendleton

ThE hIStOrY oF AlLiSoN

My name is Allison. I have learned that it’s a name that was first heard of in 1946. My name is feminine (thankfully). I have also heard that “Allison” could be a last name. My name was most popular the year before I was born, 1986 and in 1994-1995, and then again in 1998. Allison is a German name and means “of the noble sort.” Since 1963 “Allison” has been more popular than “Alison.” Allison comes from the name Alice. I have never researched my name before, this was a little interesting. On another site, my name means “truth” in Greek and my name can also be Irish and mean “of noble birth”.

Reflection 5 week of 11/16

1. What have you seen in language arts/reading instruction?

Thursday they played a game called heart attack to practice their spelling words. They also worked on a practice EOG.The teacher read the story with them and told them what  to underline and what was important. They answered the questions together.

They also read about rocks and discussed differences.

2. What have you taught in your internship?

Worked with students on reading fluency and dolch words.

3. Comment on any interesting things that you have noticed about your school, the teachers, the students, or the curriculum.

The teacher doesn’t do much reading instruction. This week was the first time we witnessed her working on something  for the EOG. We also haven’t seen any other the students work on anything for the writing test. Isn’t that still a requirement for the fourth grade?

4. Post any questions that you have about teaching/learning.

none at this time

Reflection 4 week 11/9

1. What have you seen in language arts/reading instruction?

Monday: Didn’t see it. Gave practice spelling test. This week they are focusing on sight words.

2. What have you taught in your internship?

Monday: Worked with one student for an hour on reading fluency and dolch words

Thursday: worked with two students on reading fluency and dolch words.

Friday: Gave the diagnostic interview for math.

3. Comment on any interesting things that you have noticed about your school, the teachers, the students, or the curriculum.

I am surprised at the different level of students. There is a big difference especially when looking at math skills.

4. Post any questions that you have about teaching/learning.

none at this time

Reflection 3 week of 11/2

1. What have you seen in language arts/reading instruction?What have you taught in your internship?

 Thursday: I have combined these questions because Mrs. Harmon was out of the room most of the morning on Monday so I did the reading lesson. We discussed some of the vocabulary in the story and then the students took turns reading each sentence in “Sarah, Plain and Tall.” Afterwards, we went over the questions at the end of the story.

The teacher sprayed shaving cream on the students’ desks, I called out spelling words and they spelled them in the shaving cream.

2. Comment on any interesting things that you have noticed about your school, the teachers, the students, or the curriculum.

The teacher leaves the room a lot. I thought that it was important for teachers to stay in their classroom to make the most of the time they have for instruction. I also thought it was important for them to be in the room for supervision purposes as well.

Mrs. Harmon has a set schedule everyday for when she goes over each subject. It’s very straight forward and rarely changes.

3. Post any questions that you have about teaching/learning.

none at this time

Week of 10/26

What have you seen in language arts/reading instruction?

We didn’t observe a language arts lesson however, we did work with 2-3 students each on reading fluency and Dolch words. Harmon gave us a notebook of short stories for each child to read 4 times and we had to record the words they missed each time. We also timed them atleast once on Dolch words.

What have you taught in your internship?

Didn’t teach anything except fluency reading and went over dolch words.

Comment on any interesting things that you have noticed about your school, the teachers, the students, or the curriculum.

The school seems to be a little old fashioned and the principal is strict on many things.  The students like Mrs Harmon because she tends to act goofy at times and threatens to throw children out the window. She makes learning somewhat fun for the students.

Post any questions that you have about teaching/learning.

No questions at this time.